🐦🥽I've been having a lot of fun with vr games as of late. Crow for sure would have fun with vr and I wanted to doodle something for him :)
I made a little silly gameboi character I imagine would guide him around n stuff lol🕹️✨

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🐶🥤Dingo chillin' on a Sunday afternoon☀️

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🐦📱Working on some silly comic stuff with my boi Crow!

3 15

🐶🎄Feeeling that season yet? Here's some throwback art from 2 years ago✨

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🐶✨Alli and Chili arm wrestling💪
Both of these bois would probably be challenging each other to all sorts of things I bet💥

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🐦🐕🐊🐕 Merry Christmas y'alls! Hope everyone has a great one! 🎄🎁🎅

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🐕💕 Some Dingo gift art from ! I love this take on Dingo! Dude thanks so much!
✨ Please check him out n' give his work some love!

4 13

Still working on these designs 🐕✨ALSO got a little rival group going :P None of these designs are at all final but i just thought I'd share cuz i just love these doods! 💕

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So i took these guys and did a bit of a redesign on them. I think I like how its turning out so far! ✨I've been having fun working on this idea again so hope ya guys like it. I'll share more soon! 🐕

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