Supporting indie authors (for indiecember or just because) doesn't have to break the bank. I'd say my debut fantasy novel Long Grows the Dark is pretty worth it. 😇

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December drawing challenge!

I’m drawing cards from movies that may or may not be about Xmas. For no particular reason, I’m calling it Diecember

Day 1


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I should do this now instead of later lol

The Call for Finis: Pride can help fill in plenty of your boxes. Not sure which ones? Look down below, I got them all picked out for ya 😘

On Amazon:

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Become One with Your Fear!

Come celebrate Cyber Monday with Amelia Sky. There's only 13 Days Left and A Needs Your Support!-->

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day 10: Oneshot!
I've only played the original version because I haven't had a chance to play the new one ;w;
I loved the original and I'm sure I'll love the new one!!

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Clodomir is ready for the release on Wednesday!

He even wear his special sock with aeration! (It's a very advance technology!)

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day 7: Rain World
I wish I could've done better for this game, but I think I did alright ^^''
what do you think?

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day 4: Pix the Cat!!
I love this game even though I don't own it and I'm not good at it.

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Day two: Starwhal!
There’s no particular order for these btw.

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