Lyserg Diethel from Shaman King, let me show you that time when I really liked characters whose entire narrative was "I want revenge for my murdered family"

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Henlo, this is my vampire lord (sad boy) Diethelm Hubbrecht
He lords over a castle that works as a half way house of supernaturals. It welcomes any non-humans to it's walls, and is a respite from the non-magic realms of the world~

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Beach YCH for featuring her OC, Yukino Yorokobi, and Lyserg Diethel!

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This is Diethelm Hubbrecht. For a long time he used to take care of a castle for wayward supernatural beings as a safe haven, but now wants war between the other two remaining vampires lords that rule over the continent.
He's a charmer and will fucking eat you for dinner 🩸👀

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I have some peeps!

Vampire Lord, Diethelm
Death Knight, Darien
Enchanter/Antiques Dealer, Sloan
Retired Vampire Lord, Carmilla

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Washen ese collab todo perrón, My homies. El color lo hizo la genialosa <333

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Day 7 “Separation” that episode where Marco sacrifice for them always makes me cry horribly and it’s not a secret that the one that suffers the most was Liserg

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For lovely . Thank you so much for commissioning me again 💚

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Marurize Week 2022 by
(Day 2 - Prompt: Cooking)

I'm sorry, I'm Italian, this was mandatory. /hj
Eat your pasta however you like it, I won't judge! (Probably...)

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Sexto é o PRINCIPE do Lyserg Diethel de Shaman King, a maneira como eu fui obcecado nesse personagem durante a minha infancia nao tem explicação. Tudo na estetica dele era completamente hipnotizante e eu queria ser ele.

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Влетаю в уходящий поезд поздравлений. Не знаю почему, не знаю зачем, но теперь ты хорошенький упырь.
С др, короче!

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bueno en el manga lo que se ve es un poquito de la casa quemada de los Diethel

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A gift I did to my beloved friend for White Day 💕💕

Super super late, I know

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