Tobias can't eat a lot of human food, but he knows how to make things that are infused with a shit ton of human blood to ease their digestions.

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Nearly 70 crab samples ready to search. I hope to get at least half done today and to set up the next batch of digestions.

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I have just completed the first round of (for actual samples not just protocol tests) for my 9 down, 132 to go (plus 2 33 44 1 and 37

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Je pars fêter le réveillon de Noël en famille, je vous souhaite à tous d'en passer un très bon.
J'en profite pour glisser ce message : j'ai choisi la nuit du 27 au 28 Décembre pour notre grande chasse de Noël, entre deux indigestions ! À vos calendriers ! OwO

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