Funny! That's exactly what's happening in my comics as of the moment. Just don't forget to bring a digicam, I guess?

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B타입 11월 보리 (@ Digicam_Joshua )

1 6

Electric Bind
Digicabolic Steroid

1 13

Heres a picture that my friend DigiCatsworldia(on FA) had made me that i inked and colored up. Here we have storm, having ate miss digi on up. he did so for her own protection, he swares^^;

9 44

I used to create my own "digicards" for my site
This is a variation of Angemon and Angewomon, they're AU12 Ryo Akiyama 's partners
In that timeline, fighting against corrupted Cherubimon, once they released the golden digieggs their digicodes were rewriten for good

3 13

Mega DeckerGreymon y Mega MusoKnightmon (Super Digica Taisen)

Tuit del hilo original:

1 1

Mega BlackShoutmon X7 y Mega DarknessBagramon (Super Digica Taisen)

Tuit del hilo original:

1 2

BlackShoutmon X7 (Super Digica Taisen)

Tuit del hilo original:

1 2

MegaGranKuwagamon (Super Digica Taisen)

Tuit del hilo original:

1 1


You won the OGMC X DigiCaps cap!

DM me your ETH wallet and let's go!!

Look out for more giveaways coming up!

23 33


En un nuevo Fun Digica! se revelan cuatro cartas PROMO, o categorizadas como CP (Campaña).
Nos llegarán junto a BT7 NEXT ADVENTURE!

Tendremos todos los Tamers de Digimon Adventure con sus compañeros en su forma Mega!!

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0 2


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Te quieres iniciar en el mundo de los Virtual Pets de Digimon. Sabias que la franquicia nació de estos dispositivos. Y a día de hoy se puede jugar online con ellos.
Te invitamos a que lo descubras en

13 38

Digimon al que incluso le dedicamos un MirrorBallmon es un Digimon que fue mencionado en la carta de Lilithmon del Super Digica Taisen.
Se dice que es como una bola de espejos, parecida a las de discoteca 🪞

4 10

I want more art of my digicat, but I'm officially out of money until payday. Is anyone interested in maybe an art trade? 🎨

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