29. Yaguzi & Summer
These two have never actually met before, but Yaguzi's pretty friendly and I think Summer is, too (I actually haven't seen any Eventures with her yet, but from what I know). So they'd probably have a nice conversation.

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28. Veetoff & Gair
Veetoff has hated Gair ever since he found out his grandpa was the one who betrayed the Tano tribe. Veetoff always picks fights with Gair and calls him "the traitor," so they're basically rivals now.

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13. Pamchan & Gojo
Because these two were paired up in a Nay Event one time, Gojo started calling her "Pam" and likes her a lot. She thinks he's kind of weird and annoying, but she puts up with him since she's nice.

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12. Skine & Chozu
Skine and Chozu are in the same friend group, but they haven't really interacted. Scott starts hating Skine at one point, so Chozu would probably agree with him because he never really knew Skine.

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04. Rabiah & Murou
Rabiah and Murou are both obsessed with https://t.co/GCfYbSeJux, so naturally they'd be good friends. I haven't inserted many Rabiah interactions into the story yet, but there probably will be some of these two.

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03. Ram & Doge
Ram and Doge haven't really talked, but I think they'd be good friends. They're both full of energy and positivity.

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