Yes I have been like and retweeting a lot digimon!!

I feel down the rabbithole of seeing a bunch of digimon on my TL now.

🎨 @/Aoki_0146

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Today's Cute Critter of the Day is Tanemon from Digimon!!

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a little late for april fool's - it's the usual suspects, but digimon!
luckily the pokemon and digimon I like the most are fairly similar

3 6

Heres some cringe art I made of some toootally terrible digimon!

1 19

Girls! Cards! Digimon!
My part of an art trade with who wanted a piece of art of their OC, Zephyr :) T'was a fun time!

11 54

¡Toda la información de Arcturusmon y Proximamon en la Enciclopedia oficial de
Las digievoluciones de Gammamon que debutaron en su Dim BEMEMORY y que estarán en ya están registrados en💻

14 45

gettin into drawin some more digimon!

21 71

✨Data and Downloads Anniversary Raffle! ✨

🎉 Prize:
- Half Body Full Color Art!

🎈 How to Join?:
+ Follow me!
+ Follow !
+ RT & Like This post!
(OPTIONAL) Comment your Favourite Digimon!

Ends: April 15th! 🎉🎉

32 39

Today's Cute Critter of the Day is Chicomon from Digimon!!

8 68

These are my recent Digimon! First you have Gawoowoomon and Ovamon! A play on Wolfs in sheep clothing/Garurumon variant. Then you have the Rookie Axodramon, who is a axolotl dragon fruit dragon!

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Rhythmon and his adult/champion Orchesdramon! Virus digimon that utilize the power of sound to disrupt other digimon!

1 5

Today's Cute Critter of the Day is Belphemon
(Sleep Mode) from Digimon!!

20 83

finally, i re desin my evolution line! and wanted to show you some info of my Digimon! 🦖 it's based on a axolotl and therizinosaurus

4 18

I’ve come back from the void to give you two new Digimon! I made a Wolf in sheep’s clothing once before but I did not like it, so here’s a new one! I gave them Garurumon colors and also made the sheep they’re disguising as. If anyone can help me with names, I would appreciate it!

3 18

as promised i drew myself as a digimon!! bumblebearmon buzzes around and guides data with their sunflower to help pollinate the digital world! however they can often be found taking long naps in plants after they eat the honey they produce

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Hi hi! I'm looking for & 💜 My name's Corrin (see: 🌽)

✨POKEMON (and Digimon!)
✨JRPGs (Tails, Trails, SMT/Persona, FE, Xenoblade, etc)
✨Art (I draw a lot of Pkmn!)
✨BUNNIES (and other animals)

Retweets appreciated 🫶

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Today's Cute Critter of the Day is Coronamon from Digimon!!

15 85