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#digimonuniverseapplimonsters #appmon #Digimon
He knowns that I love him, and thinks he a little bitch~
Tenias tantas ganas de dibujarlo! #digimonuniverseapplimonster #shinkaiharu #fanart
Random scene from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (Episode 32)
#Digimon #デジモン #DigimonUniverse #デジモンユニバース #Appmon #アプモン #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters #デジモンユニバースアプリモンスターズ
Happy birthday to Miyake Kenta (@miyake_ktrm), the voice of Dynasmon in #DigimonFrontier, Gryzmon in Revival of the Ancient Digimon!!, Orgemon in #DigimonSavers The Movie, and Timemon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters!
#Digimon #デジモン #Appmon #アプモン
Happy birthday to Kitazawa Riki (@kitazawa_riki), the voice of MCmon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters, and the late Moriyama Syuichiro, the voice of Zhuqiaomon in #DigimonTamers. 🦋
#Digimon #デジモン #Appmon #アプモン
Happy birthday to Ohtomo Ryuzaburo, the voice of Vamdemon/Venom Vamdemon in #DigimonAdventure and #DigimonNewCentury, Cherubimon in #DigimonFrontier, Sethmon & Orgemon in #DigimonXrosWars, and Deusmon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters!
#Digimon #デジモン #Appmon #アプモン
Happy birthday to Takahashi Rie (@taka8rie), the voice of Kibayashi Erena, Tutomon, and Pipomon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters, and Shinjo Michi in #DigimonReArise!
#Appmon #アプモン #Digimon #デジモン
Happy birthday to Matsuoka Mayu, the voice of Menoa Bellucci in #DigimonAdventureLastEvolutionKizuna, and Ebina Shouta, who voiced Dogamon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters!
#Digimon #デジモン #Appmon #アプモン
Happy birthday to Takato Yasuhiro, the voice of Elecmon in the #DigimonAdventure series, Gekomon in #DigimonTamers, Gottsumon in #DigimonFrontier, Ice Devimon & Fugamon in #DigimonXrosWars, and Gomimon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters!
#Digimon #デジモン #Appmon #アプモン
Happy birthday to Neeko (@NEEKO21), the voice of Maripero in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters!
#Appmon #アプモン
October 1 (JST) marks 4th anniversary of both #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters and the manga Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: Appmon Academy!!, written and illustrated by the great Hirose Katsuki (@hirosekatsuki).
#Appmon #アプモン #アプモン4周年
September 21 (JST) marks the 4th anniversary of the #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters manga, written and illustrated by the great Akamine Naoki.
Happy birthday to Matsumoto Kenta (@matsuken_93), the voice of Puzzlemon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters, and Kaji Yuki, who voiced Pumpmon in #DigimonReArise!
#Appmon #アプモン #Digimon #デジモン
Happy birthday to Miyake Kenta (@miyake_ktrm), the voice of Dynasmon in #DigimonFrontier, Gryzmon in Revival of the Ancient Digimon!!, Orgemon in #DigimonSavers The Movie, and Timemon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters!
#Digimon #デジモン #Appmon #アプモン
Happy birthday to Moriyama Syuichiro, the voice of Zhuqiaomon in #DigimonTamers, and Kitazawa Riki (@kitazawa_riki), who voiced MCmon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters!
#Digimon #デジモン #Appmon #アプモン
Happy birthday to the late Maeda Ken, who voiced Gottsumon/Insekimon in #DigimonSavers🦋, and Mizushima Takahiro (@mizushima_d), the voice of Ropuremon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters.
#Digimon #デジモン #Appmon #アプモン
June 14 (JST) marks 3 years since the release of Gatchen!, the second opening theme to #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters, in Japan.
#Appmon #アプモン
@Digiscreenshot what do you think about Hajime and Mirei???
#Digimon #Digimonuniverseapplimonsters #DigimonWorldReDigitize #HajimeKatsura #MireiMikagura #Digimonuniverseapplimonsters2
Happy birthday to Canna Nobutoshi (@ennen_7), the voice of Examon in #DigimonXrosWars, and Numata Yusuke, who voiced Flymon & Tsumemon in Xros Wars, and Perorimon in #DigimonUniverseAppliMonsters!
#Digimon #デジモン #Appmon #アプモン
I’ll start this #DetectivePikachuredraw challenge
#DetectivePikachu #digimon #appmon #gatchmon #digimonuniverseapplimonsters #デジモン #アプモン