
Artwork Title:"JOY" ~ Artist:Dodick ~ Medium: Digital Painting

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iPad painting using SketchClub

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ser Aris, para sayo digital painting po, gawa ko :)

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Just staring work on a Walter White digital painting. http://t.co/PZ2LibQb3f

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inspiraciones claras xd... así está la acuarela ahora toca construir encima con el digital =D consejos?

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Skull digital painting (Photoshop)...

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Vodou Heart painting (digital)...

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-| Apotheus |- by hakan can. acryl, digital

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artwork digital: Tim Burton style

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artwork digital Influenced by Amano.

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Siguiendo la regla 20/80 al pintar......pero solo veo detalles y más detalles

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I tried that thing called digital painting :D I don't think i did that well :D

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