Brush stroker in progress! 🖌️👀

This is an old brushes and old effect (than a year ago - Stichloft brushes here : that I'm improving for a next oil brushes set for procreate

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Donald Tonks uses a variety of colors and shapes to create eye-catching Some of his include blending varied brushes and rearranging layers to get the look he wants.

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Formulating ideas for the next book with the lovely textured for from

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A spaceship quickly cut through the sky, this will be the collision of two civilizations

Digital Brush from in A good digital brush sharing

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Guess if I'm using magic or enchantment?

Brilliant Makeup Digital Brush from @霓虹慕斯 in A good digital brush sharing

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The beauty of fairy tale life🦄🦄🦄
The beautiful princess is resting in her courtyard, next to a white horse watching her.

From the artist competition.

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