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We've got a great new selection of top titles with limitless loans - including eBooks & eAudiobooks for all ages!
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There are more great books in our
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Keen to check up on the Christmas TV programmes? Did you know that you can read an online version of the Radio Times with our eMagazine service? And there are many more titles to browse through....

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Would you like to be able to browse the Christmas Radio Times on your tablet or PC?
You can with your library card and our eMagazine service!
Take a look at our full eMag collection here:
There are back issues too!

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If you need to book places for our family activities; craft events; and author talks you can do this using our page:

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Our eBooks and eAudiobooks include titles for children and young people. Perfect for Find out more about our eLibrary here:

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Heading off for a break; or just hoping for some sun and a chance to lounge in your deckchair? Why not sample our golden age crime eBooks and eAudiobooks? Info on our eLibrary including :

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