hewo!!! i did fanawt of my favowit hemits!!!!!! >w< i had sho much fun with these!!!!!! i dwew gwian, kewawis, fawsey (my fave of ALL!!!!!!!) and wendigity dog!!! <3 wet me kno wat u think! plz dwop a fowow 2!!!! oWo!

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Esittelyssä: Kiwanodemon ()

Tamperelaistunut pelialan opiskelija. Teen pääasiassa digityylillä mitä vaan mikä milloinkin maistuu, niin faniarttia kuin originaalia settiä.


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MakerSpace is the bomb-digity! It’s obvious how much students love it! Where did you find the necklace patterns for the 3D pens?

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