天鷹酒造 九尾さま
日本酒に関してはSAKE DIPLOMA資格を所持しており、米や酵母、酒類の表示制約も踏まえてご提案できると思います。

2 4

This is Crow, around Alphinaud's age, in Valnain as a junior diplomat, serving under Nael van Darnus.
She's finally gained a small bit of freedom from her insular upbringing under Solus' authority, and is thoroughly fascinated with the foreign territory of Nagxia!

83 743

CCP and Australia normalize diplomacy again

28 290

Their ability of negotiation is from several well-connected secular nobles who have led the sisters. Under their guidance, the order can keep in non-aggressive, capable of diplomacy, and gains the support of neighboring lords and duchies.

45 512

babu! Sender tambahin nih pilihannya. Kapten Kavaleri, Pustakawan, Kapten Kapal, Pemilik Kedai Teh, Diplomat, Chief Editor, Detektif atau Aspri Archon? https://t.co/f7FK2vwHmN

0 5

The worst diplomatic corps

313 1173

babu! Kalian mau pilih cowok ASN yang mana? Hakim, Dosen, Kapten, Diplomat apa Sekda? 🥰🥰 (Btw liyue gak ada Cowok ASN ya? ☹️)

124 1235

belajar kosakata sulit dari mamanya yang diplomat https://t.co/1AKD4Fs5kC

130 1043

⚜️ Formación online ⚜️

El poder de la imagen. La imagen del poder en los negocios, las relaciones institucionales e internacionales...

Pedro L. Sánchez
Protocol & Consultancy SL

1 1

The result of our randomly generated character stream!! A naga ambassador, sipping tea while on a diplomatic trip to another country uwu

3 6

Happy Full Moon in Libra, the sign of:
- Beauty
- Harmony
- Diplomacy
- Relationships

💫Set your intentions for this full moon cycle💫
- Be as fair to yourself as you are to others
- Rearrange situations that are not aligned with fairness

14 47

—to all jikooks I wrote before, pt. 2 🌸
Prince jm x diplomat’s son jk from ‘the family jewels’ (link to the fic below)

36 228

A Mulher Maravilha é um exemplo a ser seguido, uma guerreira que opta pela paz por que conhece os horrores da guerra, uma pacifista sempre pronta a lutar, uma Diplomata disposta a evitar problemas e não a causa-los e principalmente uma pessoa gentil, amáveis, calma e paciente

5 69

Next is my problematic fave, Namor

Old Namor looks fantastic and tackling what is essentially Waterworld in the Marvel universe is very cool. And seeing Namor try his hand at diplomacy, and fail, is very interesting

I'm hooked (🤭) so I'll continue this one

0 1

Sketchy thing for my TRPG about colonization of a new planet by humanity

My dark twins🌌
Brother - hacker, soldier from Pacifists (kinda resistance in the story)
Sister - blind diplomat, she has friends among locals

0 17

🔴#LoÚltimo | La aprueba modificar su estatuto para —de ahora en adelante— anular grados, títulos o diplomas cuando alumnas y alumnos no actúen con honestidad e integridad académica, como en casos de plagio.

266 744

(5-6) D for diplomacy.
(last update for the free pages)

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