Bit late but I couldn't miss another 😍

Lots of dope art here this week! 👌

SACRED HANDS 1/3: "Leaf Hand" now available 🍃 👇

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My 'Orbitals' series - GAN generated and then digitally painted. All remaining orbitals are 25 Tez and under.

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Just snagged this great piece by on Some great art in this collection!
Thanks for the tip (Via

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Static art generator - one artwork, millions of possibilities - click to generate a new one, and be sure to check in full screen

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Heyy!! I'm just starting out, thanks for letting us share 😁😁 Here are two from "The Skull Almighty" collection; "The Hacker" and "Love is Blind"

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Hey man, please check out my new listed objkt .
Four Horsemen - War
it's 2,5 tez
16 edition

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🌱 Newest one minted
11/15 left - 2.5 XTZ each

💙 Tribute to the illest of villains - MF DOOM💙

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Not mine, but maybe the dope work from
The Neon Forces - Mysterious -

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I just had to grab 'BURNED' by Mike Grill, I took one look at it and my socks were knocked off. Here's to Chemical Messiah's shill for spreading word about freaking amazing creators you wouldn't otherwise ever know of.

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👁 6/21 at 2 ‘Heads Up’

🦑 9/21 at 2.5 ‘Father Squid’

Both finger painted on an iPhone
When viewed on mobile one FLOWs into the next connecting them together

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🥀 SinnerVision 4: Stuck On You

⚰️ 22/25

💎 4 TEZ

🏆 Epic bonus for collecting over 6 “Web Series”

🖤 Thanks for your consideration and time


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Welcome back everybody 🤘😁🤘just in time for Here’s the first piece in a new weekly series I’m starting. Busted! is a weekly psychedelic exploration of the sculptural ephemera of our collective past. 6/6 1tez

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Feel free to browse but here are some of the objkts available!

ICXC (18/24) -6tz
NFTISDEAD (26/36) -4.2tz
Here Comes The Sun (32/36) -4tz
Calla (3/3) -6tz

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I have created a new pet shop
It is time to collect your pet
Monster each pet monster
Has a pair male and female

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