When people are redesigning or making a adult version of Scootaloo, could you PLEASE not remove her disability???

It fucking bugs me when people do that- 💀
Like come on, it's canon she has a disability

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Have a disability? Just change your mind! You aren't legally allowed to have a disability if you just say no!

Classic "wow thanks I'm cured" situation

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*rolls up sleeves*

Hi I'm vex
When I told my family I wanted to be an artist my father spent every moment he could telling me not to. (My family didn't support me ? ✔️)

I experience hand pain that at some points ONLY Vicodin could mitigate (disability? ✔️)

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(Reading age: 8-12 years)

Want an amazing fantasy story, set in Indonesia, centering a mortal girl with a physical disability?

This graphic novel by writer/illustrator tells of unconditional friendship and hopes “…every reader can see themselves in the story.”

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Wait is ADHD even a disability? As someone who has that I'm genuinely confused now.

I'm not trying to be cute or funny, my worldview is genuinely confused now what?

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🇬🇧: The first character with a motor disability? Thanks GF ♥️ is a step forward for everyone 🥺♥️Nice to see also that they have made themselves noticed more his skills ♥️ ♥️

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Im not sure if mute counts as disable in any way but im also working on an oc who's deaf and im pretty sure thats a disability?

It may not be any kinda physical disability but disability nonetheless?

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"What Disability?!?" at in Vancouver, from December 3–19, 2021, is a show with a diverse artworks by 16 artists who identify as living with a disabilty.


​#outsiderart   https://t.co/ZiDXNr0EGU

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It's your 24 hour reminder to the Busy Life Inclusion Half Hour! Whose joining me tomorrow, 630pm, to tweet, retweet, comment, and like everything positive about disABILITY?

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The "Inclusive Question of the Week" is, "are there any good news stories about disABILITY?" Of course! Just have a search of online news sites. There's amazing SEND teachers, fundraising for charities, & new innovations making life easier, & more!

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I hear folks are hungry for indie comics. What do you think of a comic-action hero whose secret isn't just his identity, but his "disability?" Here's my original book Vindicated Inc., about a wounded warrior who declares war on organized crime in Seattle. Written/Drawn by me.

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8. What kind of a Libra would I be if I didn’t include my favorite teal blooded troll with an ocular disability?

Terezi Pyrope, Ladies and Gents!

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Bonjour , speaking of Adrien, does this concept art belong to the Adrien you describe?In my opinion it is an interesting version and I would like to know,What was the story like when you developed this concept of Adrien with a disability? I'll appreciate your answer

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Want to know what it's like to let your community direct your playthrough of an RPG?

✅Dialogue choices leading to death. = 5
✅Companions that like me? = 0
✅Labotomised leaving permanent disability? = 1
✅People who need help, helped? = 0.

Love it.


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What impact has COVID-19 had on your life, as a person with a learning disability? Have you felt lonely or worried? Have friendships or family been important? Share your views with us at The Lockdown Blues - we now have an easy read version of the website: https://t.co/pURDXkRnOo

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Why can’t we just make shit accessible instead of insisting disabled folks bend over backwards to entertain your “groundbreaking” solutions to disability?

Just make shit accessible.

[Video demonstrates a wheelchair that allows disabled people to move and stand upright.]

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PV in full swing as the annual progress exhibition opens on 3rd & 4th floors .

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”Why does no one love me/ Is it because of my disability?”

small old drawing

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