Faut qu’on se le dise, Bleach détient les meilleurs chara design all time, regardez moi ces pépites

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Kuku-zombie.. 🧟‍♀️
dise que sumire sabe bien..

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Thank u Dise 🖤

E(MOTION) | Animation made of 968 layers, drawn one at a time.

Exhibited at NFT NYC 2022.
Sound on 💎https://t.co/caq4CEMeN9

Tag 💎

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Grazie Dise 🖤🖤
E(MOTION) | Animation made of 968 layers, drawn one at a time.
Photography is the starting point of my artworks, that I manipulate, more and more times, to give them NEW LIFE. Sound on 💥

Exhibited at NFT NYC
Open to bid $ETH


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