The Circle of Willis gets its name from Thomas Willis (1621-1675), who was the first dissector to remove the brain and brain stem from the skull base intact without rupturing or avulsing the arteries. (Art by )

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Hanafusa Hajime "The Dissector" 💀🦴🥼💉🦠🩸 (KENGAN ASHURA / OMEGA)
Sorry for the delay.

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During vestibular neurotomy for Menieres disease, the cleavage plane is accessed by using a blunt angled microdissector to separate the vestibular and cochlear divisions. A reasonable plane can often be found.

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🔪"The Dissector"-Hanafusa Hajime💉
I love this doc😔😘

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Right! Penfield dura dissectors for Wilder Penfield (who practiced in Montreal 🇨🇦), Horsley bone cutters for Sir Victor Horsley (also Horsley bone wax, and, uh, dural tears for ?

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This month on is a Dissectors Special. In depth info and coming up:

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