Though lauded as a hero by his people, the archduke of Jeuno in secretly harbors a much greater and darker ambition...

Kam'lanaut is coming to

Grab the season pass right here

213 635

New print finished =w=b I love the fluffy babe

1 2

Have a I did in the meantime. And here is a good emoji I found:
( ༎ຶ^༎ຶ )

11 27

Are you a fan of ? We’re thinking about hosting online monthly events that’s free to enter!

Would you be interested?

91 285

Thanks to Bartz, I got a nice prompt ~
The puff in the sky with blonde spikes

0 1

got high praise from our Final Fantasy expert , who thinks that it will also appeal to big eSport competitions in the future. He urges you to give it a fighting chance! Read his full review:

0 0

Friendly Art Battle with my homie !
Guess what our battle character is? 😏

14 36

I came across this image of Firion/Frioniel from today and I really wanted to take a shot at redrawing it. Original picture included as well as some weird accident that happened but I actually ended up liking quite a bit too.

2 7

I'm so happy that Ramza has been brought back to a 3D game. I really enjoyed playing as him in Dissidia Final Fantasy NT open beta.

3 6