I’m Blessed to be able to add more Kats to the bag. Meet the newest member of my OG team ❤️🔥🚀 thanks to for helping me secure it 😎👍🏻

9 46

GM and Day idk-what but it's a good day to showcase the degen kat that revealed itself the most quickly after the mint. I rmb feeling lucky I got this fella. 💯 a keeper

9 29


Part of diversifying and learning for me is to get outside of my comfort zone and join new communities. Two projects I recently joined from is and . Who else has joined a cross-chain project recently?

67 102


Challenge: Post a of your own collection, one you like, or a trait that's 🔥 each day of MAD Dec.

Use tags        and 
Like/RT everyone participating, send love to and

7 16


Mine’s gotta be and

It’s crazy what they’ve created in the Web3 space. Mad mad mad respect to both.

Here’s a BerserkerMeerkat to commemorate and 🫡

15 51

12/6 this CRO Mad Meerkat is special cos I got it from a community giveaway from the awesome CroChem! It made me feel really appreciated and motivated to pay it forward too!

15 47

from I'm gunna start it off with one I minted then sold for 7777 cro and bought back at 4444 cro. Lfg

20 63


Challenge: Post a of your own collection 🔥 each day of MAD Dec.

Use tags

4 buys in 2 days... I can't stop it 🤣

15 43


Christmas came early for ! Kat coming your way!

Keep posting in your own collection, ones you like, or traits that are 🔥 each day of MAD December!

Like/RT posts and use tags


14 45

My lil bubby is celebrating Yule the Icelandic way! All ready for December 20th when Bjugnakraeker the sausage snatching Yule Lad comes to steal all your wieners! Happy hodldays! ⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦

7 30

So cool, I was just in a plant cell in the Metaverse app!

1 5