When you tell your players cool character ideas then you realize your using them in a future game

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I have 4 sessions left (1.5 hours each) to either wrap up the story I had created for a big open world or put the characters in a non-forced feeling TPK scenario... all my players are having fun, just all our schedules are weird all of a sudden in September...

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When you share a map of the area with your players and one of them comments that the main building looks "vaguely" like Shrek's head..... So they all start referencing All Star by Smash Mouth.....

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Player : Actually if you check this pamphlet I made you'll see that Half fairies get a bonus against fire attacks....

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So, does a zombie-dog-centaur get distracted by the fact it is made of bones to chew? Discuss.

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RPG Fact Your PC's will consistantly survive unsurvivable events.

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RPG Fact You will never truly be prepared for all of the PC's ideas.

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RPG Fact Only one party member will have points in Perception.

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RPG Fact Every great adventure begins with a player and a stick.

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RPG Fact Sone Magic Items are more unsettling than others...

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RPG Fact There's always that small chance of a Kill Shot Critical!

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