my beautiful tabaxi son

Ink on Skin the 10 year old Artificer Rogue, my little gremlin prodigy

I love him okay.

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Yorlondrial, the Aasimar cleric on a quest to discover a full set of special armor. but the real armor is the friends he makes along the way. Watch ’s Tales of Andrea over on Twitch!⠀⠀

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Here's Bro-log, the Loxodon Barbarian. be careful of your tattoos around him, make sure they match the Creed. for ’s Tales of Andrea over on Twitch! Watch them play DnD at

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It's been an ongoing honor to make the character portraits for ’s Tales of Andrea over on Twitch! You can watch them play DnD on Sundays and other games throughout the week at⠀⠀

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It's been an ongoing honor to make the character portraits for ’s Tales of Andrea over on Twitch! It was really fun to make these distinct characters. You can watch them play on Sundays⠀⠀

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This is Anubisi.

I was honored to be commissioned to make the character portraits for Owl Bear Inn over on Twitch! Watch them play DnD on Sundays on

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I was honored to make the character portraits for Owl Bear Inn! You can watch them play DnD @

Yorlandriel, an Aasimar Cleric.

If you're interested in a commission, shoot me a message.

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AAAND DONE! MAn it feels good to finish a piece~! I had a lot of fun drawing him and a lot of fun in this art trade <3!

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decided to sketch a makedon in a see through skirt... really proud of myself uwu

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