Another icon commission done for ! I just love drawing redheads (☆▽☆)

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Here is the second set of 3 commissioned by for their party!

Such fun characters to work on! Thank you for letting me draw these beauties (人*´∀`)。*゚+

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Here is another character from the campaign I'm in!

This is our old little gnome wizard: Sten!

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fun fact: the first icon in this post is the one I really liked and I have no idea why i popped off on it-

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also because I don't want to put all of these icons together because it'd be too squished, here are the rest of the icons in their clickable glory

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I'm back with actual art gamers! Here's icons of my sweet characters, Hexnilav Pyreia, my Dragonborn Fighter, and Ann, my Warforged Cleric :)

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New vs. Old. I had a lot going on when I did the old one and it bothered me so much, I finally caved and fixed it up. Phew!

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I redrew my dnd token from 6 months ago and am so proud of my growth

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some practise icons, Nessie who belongs to , and 2 of my dnd characters, paavu the goliath and my tielfing skeleton Reina in disguise self flesh form

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New Party, New Adventure! I made a set of icons for my friends new characters for the new camp!

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