More art happened. Here be my Gnome Sorceress with her "little" tinkertoy Herbert.

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Tomorrow I have a D&D pirates oneshot so i decided to redisgn one of the first Ocs I made, a water genasi called Genève.
Initally rogue, now is a storm sorceress!
btw you should call her Genè or she will punch you 👹

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My draconic sorceress! I love how this piece came out ; ;

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My DnD character Tzefyra is a Half Siren Bard/ Shadow Sorcerer. She is leaning more towards her Shadow Sorceress side than her Bardic nature. I wanted to draw that's Fracking cool looking.

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Gave my DnD character a new look now that she is Level 7. This is Tzefyra Maelstrom, Half Siren, Bard / Sorceress. She is every cliche of a Disney princess and I regret nothing.

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