Had to draw album characters cause @ juanarts killed it with the design!!😭 It would be so cool if they made this into an Adult Swim series!

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Shout out for getting me on this album cover art! Didn’t really have a choice, since you locked me in your secret lair until I finished

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【DP 9】他12月発売誌。予告「エルサがデッドプールを骸骨獣女王に売り飛ばす」ラブラブ表紙なのに!?【DD 25】とうとう収監されたデアデビル!【KiB IM/DocD】なんかカオスなアイアンマンとドクター・ドゥームのクヌルマス誌!【BC 1】黒猫誌は1号から再出発![画像:表紙引用]

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