Sediakan colouring sheet untuk pertandingan Didi&Friends, dan jadi juri sekali. Hehe.😄

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Halooo halooo warga Shah Alammmm.😂 Untuk Hari Tanpa Kenderaan MBSA kali ni, jejoms doodle bunga sama2 Mesab esok (Ahad).

Hanya di booth Galeri Shah Alam (Dataran Kemerdekaan Shah Alam) sempena Hari Wanita. 6.30 pagi sampai 10.30 pagi😊 jumpa nanti ya!😍

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Siri Bunga Bercahaya (The Glowing Flowers). ☺️🌟🌸

The series that will highlight some well-known flowers in Malaysia.

Will be minted soon on ☺️

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[Malam Tadi Aku Bermimpi]. Will mint this piece soon at in GIF version, with its own sajak! ☺️🌟

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🌸DoDaDoodle X Belhams.🌼

Bloom 01: Bunga Raya.

Design tudung bawal dan shawl.

For more info/purchase, kindly visit:

Thank you😊

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Hmm..jom lah daftar n mohon.. itu pun kalau button negeri boleh klik. *sigh*

Anyway, moga semua urusan negara kita dalam menghadapi ni dipermudahkan. Apa orang kata..buttery smooth? Gitu lah.

Ah sedapnya kalau dapat ayam buttermilk. Lama x buat. 🤤

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My first four days by :

Pehal tah tiberr semangat buat tahun ni. Sebelum ni xpernah join pun.🤭🤣

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[FIGURINE] day 2. We’re neither a figurine, nor a puppet. If we don’t like smthing, take actions.

We’re not a figurine. We can move. We can love. We have feelings, although sometimes it’s the hardest thing to do.

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[FIGURINE] day 2. We’re neither a figurine, nor a puppet. If we don’t like smthing, take actions.

We’re not a figurine. We can move. We can love. We have feelings, although sometimes it’s the hardest thing to do.

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“The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage.” -Carrie Jones.

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“So, if it's gonna rain, then we'll drop in puddles,
If it's gonna rain, then we'll drop in puddles.”
-Roo Panes.

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