Poppy Partridge - Kangaskahn, Espartha, and Dodrio

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A new Pokémon Battle is starting
Dodrio vs. Kabuto

Choose the move:

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🐈🌸🪄 Now They Get to Blast You with Style 🪄🌸🐈

Hate them or love them, Mew knows how to dress up
But if only they could wear three hats like Dodrio-


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Pokémon UNITE Datamine Leaks

Circus Style Espeon and Dodrio

167 1700

Any pokemon fused with dodrio is amazing btw

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Et Magnéti et Magnéton, de la 1G aussi.
Et Doduo et Dodrio, de la 1G, encore.

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Wait what?
Dodrio aren't Hydra in disguise??

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asked for dodrio moon bois so dodrio moon bois I’m give. Have this very silly dum art chimkim.

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ive been playing a LOT of pokemon infinite fusion, a game in which you can fuse pokemon together and some of them have fan made custom sprites! and i wanted a sniper dodrio >:) so i MADE IT.
they are so silly <3

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Flamigo redesign for fun. (Obvious Dodrio inspo as well as when a group of flamingos walk together)

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Dodrio, el Pokémon ágil que me cae bien jejeje

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6 - Variante regional favorita:

Botou o Dodrio pra mamar, Galarian Zapdos

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