Z is for Zuchon (which is a cross between a Shih Tzu and a Bichon Frisé!)

Thank you for joining me on my daily doggie journey! 🐕

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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U is for Ultimate Mastiff (which it turns out is a cross between a Dogue de Bordeaux and a Neapolitan Mastiff!)

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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Q is for Queensland Heeler (otherwise known as the Australian Cattle Dog)! 🇦🇺

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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きょうのわんこ1006 マイク

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きょうのわんこ10.3 埴輪

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きょうのわんこ10.1 羽犬

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きょうのわんこ9.30 スポットライト

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きょうのわんこ9.29 光犬陰

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はい、きょうのわんこ9.26 祝祭

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