Little known facts about wiener dogs, wild meatloaf and Bob.

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The perfect gift for that special someone who needs words explained in wiener dog terms.

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My new book MAD ABOUT MEATLOAF (Oct 12) isn't just laugh-out-loud funny, you know. It is also full of little known scientific facts about wiener dogs.

Pre-order your copy today!

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My latest book (and 1st graphic novel!) will be out October 12. Pre-order your copy today!

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i see good fortune and lots of treats in your future.

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I got my author copies of (Oct 12) last week. THEY LOOK SO GREAT!!! I really can't wait for the world to meet Weenie & his pals!

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Haven't posted in a while but my newest deserved some love. (She got today! 🥰)

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Wire haired dogs are hard, but heres a quick painty sketch of a shelter alumni owned by a coworker of mine! 💖

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We just got new furniture on Saturday...we no longer have any rights to the ottoman. Leonie has claimed her throne 🐶❤️🐶

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Let's share the belly rubs! Reach out to us with the name of your favourite no-kill animal shelter and we will share a story of their charitable work.

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You know that terrible joke about if you lock a woman and dog in a trunk, the dog is still glad to see you when you open it up? While the whole concept is offensive, it is true our dogs always love us. Their smiles and wiggles make life better.

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