[ Rome ] - Roman D'amato Ismark
[ 11/19/1985 | 6'6" | Male (He/Him) | Goat/Dragon | Bisexual ]

Another really early OC. Rome is a big hunky chunky boy who works on and races cars. Dommy Mc Dommerson. In a polyam triad with Merdane and Mel. Design inspired by Talbuks from WoW

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Pieter Cornelis Dommersen (1833–1918 ) was a Dutch painter and watercolourist. Dommerson was born in the city of Utrecht, Netherlands as Pieter Cornelis Dommershuisen.

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🎨Gracht (canal), Amsterdam

👨‍🎨William Raymond Dommersen, also Dommersheusen and Dommersheuzen, (London, Stratford West Ham, end 1859 – London, 1927) was an English painter of Land- and Seascapes, Villages and Towns. He signed his work as W or WR Dommersen.

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