you just know DoodlePets gonna be lit 🌈 I’d love a birb or doge

1 19

My parents used to harvest honey. Did you know that Bees are the smartest insects and live in a hard-working community that requires a lot of communication and intelligence to achieve their goals.
Sneak Peek

5 16

This is Winnie.She's a symbl of love and hope.She's a smol dog with a huge heart that always keeps me happy.She's the bravest of all & the one that would be first to welcome me aftr a long day.Pure love❤

1 6

I couldn’t choose just one as my fav! The cat I love because of my 3 boys 🐈 at home! The bird I love because of the geometric style it’s done in! Every pet is so unique & unreal!

2 12

You’re the Rhino, Penguin, and Dog haha let’s see if our pet will fit in the room! This clip stood out when I first saw it because the 🎨 style was cohesive and the look badass

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Hi Guys Vote for my Doodle Pets ART.
thanks for build such a good community and awareness for the PETs/animal.

Guys Check on This. What Pets are you?

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I would say my Favorite Animal is the Dogs & the Cats.. I would love to be a part in rescuing those who need help.. I wish to thank the lfare that has been a huge help to those who in need.

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My favorite doodle pet is the 🐶 🐩 🐕 . And the best animal foundation is the American Humane Society.

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is launching their doodle pets on 25th Feb. As part of their campaign, they have been kind enough to support animal foundations. Zebras are diminishing in numbers and plays a massive role in their protection.

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Your pet's happy place at

We are working on a sanctarium in Decentralland for extinct and rare animals and would love to collaborate. The animals in nature can be touched and adopted.

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doodlepets is a comic book about the quirky adventures of two dog-sitters in Twickenham. Beautifully illustrated by , staple bound and printed on silk paper. Highly recommended reading for dog lovers everywhere!

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