Nya, nyaaaa! I’m gonna get it, I swear! (^• ω •^)

Wait… This isn’t normal for humans to do..?

4 20

Pokémon will always, always hold a very special place in my heart for many reasons. I love it so much. 🥹💖

2 13

One meowchiatto, coming right up! Extra cat hair just for you! Nya~ 💖✨

0 18

Mmm, I’m REALLY craving some fish right about now. 🤤😍

1 10

Hi there, did you know that you’re a cutie~? 💖

4 18

Good morning alleycats!

I found out one of the cafes cake displays rotate! I might get in trouble… But I can’t resist doing a spin or two! Do you think they’ll let me stay on display? 😆💖

3 12

An early Christmas present from ! It’s so cute and really cheered me up. Thank you so much!! Can’t wait to make this my PFP soon~ 💖✨

0 15

Good morning cafe cuties! ✨ Me and have been working very hard decorating the Whisker Wishes Cafe for the holidays! You’ll come visit us, right? 🥹💖

7 21


I finished at like 3am so I didn't post when I was done..

Here is & 🎉🎉#doodleari ( cause she needs an art tag )

Please check them both out they are two cuties

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