"On the subject of what comes after"
Not too much to report here, except that I'm working on quality of life improvements for my comics. Plus something else that you all may see next week.

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Some Doodle-tines that I made up today! Hope you like them!

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"On the subject of Cupid"
I like to make themed comics, so I couldn't pass up Valentine's comics! I hope you enjoy them! I also hope you like the introduction of Jenny, a character I plan to have pop up here and there in the future.

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"On the subject of fun"
Not much to comment except that I'm tired. I have some new ideas for comics that I'll post alongside "Doodles and His Anxiety" and "Doodles Digresses". Hope you look forward to them!

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"On the subject of gift giving"
This was the last comic of 2019! And while I'm thinking about it, the character in the second panel wearing the blue jacket is Creator, a character from my friend's own comic. (creatorcomics_ on Instagram)

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"On the subject of decorations"
This one was another fun one to do as I felt way more confident in what I was working on. Also this comic was a fun way to dress up Anxiety sorta like I wanted to do on Halloween.

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"On the subject of Christmas spirit"
I decided in this one to fix the inconsistencies with Doodles' design. It wasn't a big issue, but I still wanted to fix it. Plus I tried to just have fun with it and not stress too much. It sorta worked.

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"On the subject of past grievances"
At this point I had the bright idea to try making 2 Doodles comics a week...bad, bad idea. I was still mostly on time, but it really taxed me mentally.

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"On the subject of existentialism"
I'm honestly really happy with how the last panel of this turned out. I still just love the look of utter panic on Anxiety's face as he realizes just how badly he goofed.

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"On the subject of favorites"
Honestly this comic was an excuse to have Regret eat a cookie. Also figured it would be fun to answer a question no one was asking: what do the entities eat?

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"On the subject of regrets"
Regret's design is one of my favorites, although he was originally going to be way more water-like in appearance. Also yes, Doodles as well as myself showers fully clothed. What other way is there to shower?

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"On the subject of Doodles' morning routine"
I watched Coraline a bit before this. Also, someone in one of the Discord chats I'm in recommended I write out the dialogue myself. It may take me longer, but I like the overall look better.

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"On the subject of spooks"
Around this time, I decided that I really wanted to do a whole month of themed Halloween comics. I also decided to further simplify Crinkle's design. In this instance though, Doodles is the exact opposite of me.

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"On the subject of the Doctor's office"
I'm not legitimately afraid of the doctor, but I do feel some general unease about attending an appointment. That aside, I made this comic primarily to showcase Anxiety's blunt optimism.

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"On the subject of Anxiety's plan 2.0"
For some reason I like the concept of Anxiety really trying to help Doodles in his own way. Plus I wanted to have a fun little subplot of Anxiety repeatedly doing this with varying degrees of failure.

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"On the subject of mindfulness"
This was my honest attempt at being "relatable", and as a result is my least favorite comic I've made.

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"On the subject of fairies"
I'm a simple man. One that quite likes his knee-jerk punchlines. I came up with this one in the middle of something important, I'm almost certain of it.

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"On the subject of Anxiety's plan"
This was built off of two ideas. The first being Anxiety wanting to help Doodles in the second comic, and the second being me wanting to showcase Anxiety's naive mischievousness.

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"On the subject of self-improvement"
Before you ask, yes I live in America. I was also trying to hammer out a more definitive background experience to accompany my comics...I'll let you know when I've figured it out.

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"On the subject of the night"
Finding something in your closet is scary and all, but what's really scary to me is finding someone staring in at you from a window. For all I knew, the house I was breaking into was empty.

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