Muy tarde-
Inspiración: meenteredetodotarde- 🕴... adiós amigo de burbuja ( )

15 102

La macabra versión de 🇦🇺 22/10 del último acto oficial de Isabel II [recepción a que reseñó el 7/9 [con mayor fidelidad ornamental]

➕#humor reciente

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Un feo boceto apenas pintado del día 1 ;D

Y como excusa-
Me salto el dia 2 porque Yarev no tiene excusa-

10 21

Un Art-trade (?) que hice con

-Melohabíael7deabril pero enesosdias estabaMUYocupado ylotuvequehacerloel19deabril cuandotenia algodetiempo, y undíadespués lemostré el dibujodemasiadotarde,
lepido unadisculpapor tardarme enhacerlo u_uU-

Espero que les guste ;D

1 3

Jim Morin: Take away the politics, this is what it comes down to thanks to Dotard and Mitch - political cartoon gallery in London

6 16

One small step for a dotard, one giant leap backwards for the presidency.

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The Dotard received a message from Chairman Kim Jong Un.

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Chairman Kim Jong Un arrived home in Pyongyang, and received a huge envelope from Donald Trump via FedEx. he opened it and started cursing..." 엿 먹어라....제기랄, 콘맨....정신적으로 엉망인 동굴 " ("Fucking Conman, mentally deranged dotard", so as the translator said ).

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Chairman Kim Jong Un: I guess you have not read my book - How to Deal with Mentally Deranged Dotard.

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Tell that mentally deranged US dotard visiting Seoul, I have no time to meet with this small-hand pussy grabber.

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Hey ,

You don't have the votes to repeal ObamaCare.

You failed, loser.

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