realising that his seemingly innocent trip to a Transylvanian castle owned by the creepy vamp- I mean Count might not be as innocent as it seems... (a ~
(guess who's really got into lol)

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Имя: Стеффа
Раса: альбинос летучая мышь или вампир
Возрост: 315 лет
Рост: 157 см
Магия: кемия
Биография: любопытная, заботливая, озарная, добрая но может и быть злой. Любит покушать и не против попить крови.

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Triangle Drac
Charcoal on toned paper
9”x12”, framed to 16”x20”

This little guy is making some noise over and would love to make some noise at your place.

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