They stylistic choice Darkon made with the Moon and Sun feels so otherworldly, they don't belong on this plane of existence and you can feel it but be in awe!!

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Thalia, the Truth

In Greek Myth, Thalia is the Muse of Comedies and Idyllic Poetry.

Comedies nowadays make you think about the genre that's jokey, for laughs, light hearted.

Back in Shakespeare's time, Comedies were the plays that got happy endings

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Hello all! This is an an early writer's notes thread for "Cataclysmic Catalyst" where I will be talking about the little details.

It'll be sparse this time around as the cutscenes and quests basically spoke for themselves.

If this is clogging your TL, block hastag

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Casey Dragomirov | Kyrie - Mr. Mister
The alternate answer is Hasselhoff's Looking For Freedom because one time I was listening to it and to my horror realized it basically 100% described Case's backstory :')

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