Ilulu I made on aggie or somn

276 2387

Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle 🤍
House Dragonmaid ❤️
Exosister Mikailis 💙

552 1910

Lucoa from Ms. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid in today's oldie ♥

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The girl in our fanart cursor is a former dragon goddess and an old friend of Tohru who was exiled from her seat of goddess after drinking some cursed liquor.

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Like half the Dragonmaid cast would be awesome if the series wasn't written with weird pedo shit

Most of the dragon designs and fights are actually so raw it's a fucking shame man

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drew her for no other reason than bc i wanted to 🥺

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No eran ellas?
(Arquetipo de las Dragonmaid en Yugioh)

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