
Source: Karnov
Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja (Arcade) by Data East

17 97


Source: Karnov
Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja (Arcade) by Data East

10 93


Source: Animal
Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja (Arcade) by Data East

10 65

Recent work for this year's anniversary update (less than a month away): one do-over sprite from the last anniversary and a remake of a minor Dragonninja.

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Today's game is Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja on data east collection. It's a side-scrolling beat 'em up where set in the role of the titular duo Blade, who wears white pants & Striker, who wears green pants & on evercade VS allows up to two players to play at once.

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