This piece depicts a thing I actually pulled irl once, in broad daylight, with people around. Noone suspected a thing!
At least for this side of the river. The other saw my bare ass~
Art by:

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Ever since I made Rise I wanted to have an alt form of his which is feral. Four legs, twice the body mass, twice the turds! I am absolutely delighted to present Rise's feral version~
Art: LostGoose

Alts in the comments.

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Back to the filth. After all the years that have passed I wanted to revisit the spot where Rise dropped his first turds... metaphorically I mean!
Wonder who the curious onlooker might be...
Art: Dumpyvulpix

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Remember Reignited? Yeah, apparently it happened. Those dragons in it were no question absolute HUSBAND material, all 72 of em~
So I grabbed four of em for a scat-lineup!
Art: spikesdasnowfox

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Cronic, you handsome devil! I can't get enough of your dragon.
I grabbed this split-com with him a while ago, his sexy feral derg doing what dergs do the best! Even in inconvenient times~
Art: Halapmir
Derg under Rise: Cronicdragon

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Been hella long but I once commissioned Tank to grab one of his many dragons for a quick lewd pic! Commander Toothless, an anthro nightfury was up for the task~
Needless to say, I'm weak to beefy dudes shitting.
Art: Tankdragon

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The other day I bumped into BA's blue draggy, and having RADIATING similar vibes as Rise, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to dump with him~
Two dragons on crappers, what else can you ask for?
Art: Bathroomart

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This is the two batches, featuring exclusively dirty themes with all 3 of my OC's~
Art by: Halapmir

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A cute piece by an equally cute friend. Praethis had a seemingly endless supply shitting dragons, and it's a shame his supply has ran out...
Still, at a point, he sketched out an idea and I had him color it~
Art: Praethius

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My second commission from Halapmir was a visualization of a dream I had of sorts! Midway in the commission I realized my freedom in art and asked for a blonde mane. Worth!
Art: Halapmir

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Doggett's style is unmistakable, a trademark of his work, and I dig it. So does to whom I can thank these pieces we've gotten together!
Art: DoggettDouglasMcDog
Fox is Joe, others are from FA

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When makign a pinup where a butt is showing, always consider a pooping version. Heck, not even then, even if the butt is just plain unobstructed! Haha~
Art by: xepher777

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Felix dropped me a couple sketches, and a lovely colored piece too once! I had this idea of a dragon producing dung so rich, he is hired to fertilize a forest!
Sadly they don't upload anymore. They were awesome.
Art by: WrenDeer

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