Day 9: werecat.
Down at the bottom of Drahloque you might meet a creature that eats trash and rats... and disturbs the goodfolk! Some believe them to be cursed criminals. You can hear them singing horribly at night together with normal cats.

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day 1: Tira

She grew up in the streets of Drahloque with her two uncles, Uruth and Zit. She lost her mother when she was just a child and has wanted revenge over her mother's killer ever since. Learn more about her in Thug's Life and Daughter's Revenge.

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Day 2 : Drahloque. Draw something from this city (appears in The Reward and Thug's Life). A gangster, street, factory, civilian, etc.

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It's Mira's turn. A feisty and independent woman who has lost faith in society and heroes. She protects the small and weak, and does so by breaking. She runs a small gang in the streets of drahloque and has made her own way - it's all corrupt anyways in her opinion.

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