RRGH ive been tryinv to find a style that works well for me recyently by making quikc draings like this💅 i really wnana post my at here too so 🕺

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Terceros de los dibujos navideños este va para mi pana ! espero que le guste y pase buena navida u3u)
Third of cristmas draings this one goes to my frend plufy! Y hope you like it and hafe a good cristmas u3u)

10 31

Voy aser unos re-dibujos del año pasado para navida y unos para nuevos panas

Empezamos con un pana que me apoyó mucho:3
Gona redraw a few draings from las year for cristmas and some for some new fend

Starting of whit a frend the gave me lots of suport:3

9 26

Otro dibujo esta ves de ana .w.)!
Another draings this time abaut ana .w.)!

5 12

A few I've been working on funnily getting the hang of doing digital art 😁

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Sorry, I've been a little missing these months. But these days I'm going to update twitter with my latest draings. Let's start with

9 22