just a quick twilight stroll along the pink shrubs. 🍂
oooooh, witchy woman!

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Garden of Magick
sorry I’m late 💦

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I swear this was ready three days ago, but I only got it scanned now XD
My first piece for , the

watercolor and polychromos (as per usual)

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I swear I posted this on time on Instagram!! I just forget that twitter exists a lot lol

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Delilah's learning about plants she can use for her love potions from Jasper, a handsome botanist who has a bit of a temper 😳🌹

Jasper was made by 💜

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Garden of Magick prompt, my first drawing for this challenge!

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me?? having art to post?? impossible.
happy with kenny's precious oc~

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Pues por aquí queda el Drawtober de los dias 1-5


( Mi idea era crear un jardín interno, so consciente de que se ha quedado un poco escaso de jardín peero me gusta )

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first prompt: garden of magick
turned more into a field, but absolutely got autumn vibes!

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Here we go into the witch season (because I need this for my sanity)~
1 - Garden of Magick

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Week One of Drawtober, Garden of Magick. Acryla Gouache.

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Let's get started for with a garden of magic! Pitcher plants and foxglove and flytraps oh my!

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1/6 - Garden of Magick
I'm trying the this year! made two drawings for the first theme 🌙

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