Title: Dream Mansion (筑梦公馆)
By: Konbuu
Language: Chinese
Platform : iOS & Android
Website : https://t.co/nHMxHWpuhI

Lu Ze CV: 稳得高处
Ye Xinglang CV: 子晰
Min Heng CV: 尘语
Yuan Tianyi CV: 半坛醋
Chen Feng CV: 墨云
Ai Jia CV: 六点点

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Roxy's DreamMansion , the queen's room and the river of wine 🍷💉🍇

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Roxy's DreamMansion Devlog

So for this room I had to make the effect of Roxy's walking through wine. My first option was to make a copy of the character but with other sprites where Roxy is underwater, but It would take to long. ..(Part1)

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