For compare the pair. Drimolen P. robustus preserves a suite of morphological traits that make them distinct from P. robustus from Swartkrans and Kromdraai. With Drimolen likely older than swartkrans and kromdraai, we can "see" evolutionary change through time.

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The oldest of their species: Homo erectus DNH 134 and Paranthropus robustus DNH 152 from Drimolen (South Africa). Dated to c. 2 Ma! +info 📷 from et al (2020)

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This week's entry is our recently published Paranthropus robustus from the site of A joint effort between and others from around the world! New hominins coming soon....

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Dos cráneos de Drimolen-Sudáfrica de 2 Ma: DNH 134 es el H erectus más antiguo, contemporáneo con Australopithecus sediba y Paranthropus robustus, al que corresponde el otro cráneo DNH 152. ¿Cuál es cuál? Al parántropo se le reconoce por su cresta sagital.

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A recent discovery of a Paranthropus robustus cranium (notice the sagittal crest) at the Drimolen site in South Africa confirms that species of Austalopithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo overlapped in South Africa ~2mil years ago DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw7293

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