Connolly Station, formerly Amiens Street Station, once Dublin Station, at the crack of dawn. This charmingly awkward pile was designed in 1844 by William Deane Butler for the Dublin-Drogheda Railway to emphatically terminate the vista from Sackville Street, now O’Connell Street.

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Today in Irish History, Cromwell Storms Drogheda, 11 September 1649 – The Irish Story: via

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The Siege of Drogheda,
From Jacob van Oort's "Ontlokene roose, bloeyende distel-bloem, en hersnaerde harp" (Dordrecht, 1661)

British Museum

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“Perché tutti dicevano che le droghe, il sesso promiscuo e l'alcol facevano male se poi il risultato era quello? Una mente brillante, un corpo perfetto...”.
•Anna Dalton, Le tre figlie

↓Luis Ricardo Falero, Le streghe al Sabba, 1878, coll. priv.

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Elizabeth O’Neill – A Great Tragedienne - A couple of months after the guillotining of Marie Antoinette, Elizabeth O’Neill was born in Drogheda, Ireland, on 12 December 1793. She was ...

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Sharing this as I am on the local radio later chatting about it.

Get notified about future events here:

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This sounds fantastic! I’d love to try my hand at it - I’m a Drogheda-based animator and illustrated who really wants to get into more story-based art. Also in general, I’d love an excuse to do more f/f art

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Ireland's himbo is coming to Drogheda!!!

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¿ Sabias que hay un hermandad entre Drogheda United y Trabzonspor?
Hoy te cuento el origen de esta hermandad entre el club turco y el irlandés .

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Per un passo in avanti nella ricerca, i test di alcol, fumo e droghe saranno per gli animali devono diventare un triste ricordo. No a nuove proroghe! Fabio Melilli pd

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Mi hanno chiesto: lei è in favore della liberalizzazione delle droghe? Ho risposto: - prima cominciamo con la liberalizzazione del pane. E’ soggetto a proibizionismo feroce in metà del Mondo -

José Saramago

🎨 Gaston Parison

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Anche Paul McCartney chiede Ministro “Looking for changes” lei può iniziare facendo nulla, non prorogando al 31 dicembre l’entrata in vigore della Legge che ferma esperimenti per alcol, droghe, tabacco!

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Will have these two pieces of on exhibit / on sale in the teachers corner at The Art House Mornington exhibition in Grammar School this weekend in support of Drogheda Homeless Aid. 😊#Artwork

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