
Cw// Spoilers , spoilers characters n spoilers manga

Yg Individualistic freedom ilang mulu dah

12 171


CW // Manga spoilers , Character Spoilers , Spoilers

Perhatikan posisi rin n sae, itu menunjukan egonya mereka masing2, jika diposisikan secara sejajar rin ada di posisi individualistic restraint sedangkan sae berada ditengah2 betapa ambigunya ego sae.

6 65

-bllk cw // Manga Spoiler , character spoiler , SPOILERS!

Menurut kalian Ness, Rin, Charles n Sae itu masuk Wholistic atau individualistic ego?

(Gambar buat hiburan)

1 63

2 OG Spots for Hypeboy!

The generative set is designed with unique and witty parts because Hype BOYs always want to stand out, be unique and individualistic.


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48 Hours

6 10

Cernunnos, the dualistic god of two-fold aspects:

light & dark;
day & night;
summer & winter;
Oak King & Holly King 

the god of wild places, of animals, of the Underworld

: Cernunnos

3 4

Giambuono de' Medici was "Ape 385" before he decided to give himself a name and create The Ape Society.

Giambuono realized that individualism couldn't sustain ape growth and progress, so he split his following into 7 classes, all necessary for the society to prosper.

18 85

Everything in this universe has its base in relationship. One can't exist without its opposite. So you may take your position but know the other must exist for you to have this position. Seeing clearly this dualistic nature in all things is the precursor to transcending it⚔️

58 82

Abstract is uniquely modern. It is a fundamentally romantic response to modern life – rebellious, individualistic, unconventional, sensitive, irritable.
– Robert Motherwell
Objective painting is not a good painting unless it is good in the sense.
– Georgia O’Keeffe

4 12

Moogles are formally split between 2 regions: The Black Shroud and the Churning Mists. While both are ruled by a head chieftain, both societies maintain an air of individualism. Thus, there is no formal government.

46 336

Now to figure out individualised outfits for these three...

3 100

Hi, here are my 2 submissions for the “dualism” 😉

0 4

submission for "dualism"

"action and apathy"

3 5

On , is discussing the origins of American individualism with political scientist Alex Zakaras.

1 10

Whether we care to admit it or not, all art is inherently political.

Abstract art is — by its nature — introspective, individualistic, experimental, and nonconformist.
Therefore, it poses a threat to totalitarians & authoritarians who aim to regulate and control everything.

16 77

Cernunnos, the Horned God of Celtic mythology

the dualistic god of two-fold aspects: day and night, light and dark, summer and winter solstices; the god of wild places, animals, the Underworld.

2 7