QRT this post for a pure self-induligence ( feel really depressed now). I'll do a comparession of my old and new art
Let's start with watercolour pieces, shall we?
2018 vs 2022
I still love this pmmm fanart tho. Yeah, it's old and has mistakes but THE FEELS https://t.co/CxXZVVQ1Rz

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„Martin Dulig von der SPD:
Sächsischer Verfassungsschutz sammelte illegal Daten über Vize-Ministerpräsident“

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a little self induligent, but i drew nier in a traditional polish (opole) folk costume^^ only 55 more darkborne astras to go;;

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'drosera glanduligera'

The Catapult Sundew
...you had me a Catapults tbh. The little tentacles outside each arm actually throw a bug that walks across it into the sticky glands on the arm.

heckin cool right??

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Whenever I wanna just sit down and draw something self induligent I still go for Akie, always

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