Lou, Alby and Sinéad would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who made the 2019 such a huge success. Currently overwhelmed with love and appreciation. Will post a proper thanks on Tuesday. Must sleep now. All our love, team Little Shop Of Heroes.

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hey friends! I'll be at () tomorrow with stickers, prints and comics (including some copies of Fusion Frenzy I'll see you there!

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I only realised after posting this that I've never shared the Pokemon stickers I've already drawn out 😲 Here they are now! If my printer behaves, I'll hopefully have these to sell at

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I'm so excited as this weekend we will be at Dunfermline Comic Con! We will be in the Marquee so come say hi and have a nosey at some of my new prints. 😊

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So I'm going to be at this Saturday with two new zines - my collection of hourly comics from February this year, and Nettle Wine, based on the lyrics of the song by Ralph Mctell! See you there!

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My newest piece 🦊 Hopefully will be printed in time for the weekend at 🎉✨

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