Hello welcome to the cafe! I'm Duni and I'll be your maid today Master/Mistress!!

W-wha so what if I'm tiny, I can still be useful!! >:///T

(Drew this on the Donothon stream 2 days ago, so here is Maid Duni ~ I wanna try and make this into a Pngtuber sometime~ )

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After playing through Frontiers, it really inspired me to do something I've been wanting to do for awhile now.
So here is my super form!

Not quite sure what to call this yet so for now we'll call it "Super Duni" or "Deity Duni"

5 16

Actually if I may be a bit selfish here. Can you guys draw my sona? It doesn’t have to be of great quality or anything (could even be a stick figure honestly)
It just might help cheer me up through these rough times.
Tag for any art of me you post~

2 16

"Will you come to the beach with me? I haven't been there in a long time, in fact last time I went I was human~
Oh I promise I won't do anything mischievous, it'll just be us on the beach after all~"
lil bikini pic for my lil faelings~

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