Continuing to forge ahead on Dynacorp machinery tiles :)

8 31

GOOD NEWS! Dynacorp is receiving some funding from You'll all be hearing more soon!

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New update for Dynacorp! Check out the planet Emota Optim in more detail :)

3 5

The light side of Dynacorp...

5 11

Dynacorp is go! Please back us on Kickstarter! "THIS IS NOT A DRILL" lel...

10 10

I'm streaming a live interactive video broadcast on in about 30 mins about Dynacorp! Join in!

1 2

time! If you like them, check out Dynacorp on kickstarter!

12 16

Dynabot gives a goome a good bouncing. ALL NIGHT LONG.

13 17

Who needs to solve puzzles when you can drill... Can you dig it?

14 7

That moment when you realise setting an alien type to throwable means it's friends will eat it...

3 11