Ole König with a wonderful talk about the X-ray flash from a WD Nova detected by eRosita. Really awesome stuff! So awesome it got featured on the cover of Nature.

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A banda de ser un artista excepcional, la qualitat humana que desprèn en entrevistes com la que li hem sentit a Ràdio 4, Ignasi Blanch és una de les figures de la cultura catalana que barreja talent, virtuosisme, humilitat i gran generositat. Un fora de sèrie.

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(2020/12/09) eROSITA finds large-scale bubbles in the halo of the Milky Way | Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics https://t.co/MO11CkvHJ7

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Ever heard about the Fermi Bubbles? These are similar, but smaller, features detected in gamma-rays. We suspect these two sets of bubbles are produced by the same energy injection event at the Galactic center. The image shows the Fermi bubbles in red and the eROSITA ones in cyan

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